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Do you know what the company of the future values? 

12.10.2021 04:20 PM By Website Admin

Catch Blake Morgan's article and video, "The Company of the Future Has a Soul," 

The company of the future has a soul

As more organizations look towards the future, it becomes clear that the companies that will be the most successful will stand for more than just earning money. The company of the future has a soul—it has a purpose and contributes to the well-being of its customers, employees and community.

Customer expectations are changing. Price points might still be important, but companies should look at bettering the lives of their employees, customers and communities if they want to thrive in the future. Author of customer experience and the future of companies, Blake Morgan writes that "the company of the future is thoughtful and looks outside its office walls to do good in the world and create real change." 

Read her entire article, "The Company of the Future Has a Soul," for a better understanding of this shift.

Website Admin